A dealer management system developed by Zeanz. Cloud based and device responsive Autocloud delivers stock and sales visibility anytime, anywhere. Autocloud has been built to make the sale process easier for all concerned. Accounts are a by-product of a sale not the other way round. It's easy to operate and allows all members of staff to interact; this means vehicle management flows from the moment you acquire the stock till it is sold and has left the yard.
Manage your stock in real time from any device, in any location. 1 touch entry will send your stock to all forms of web advertising you wish with the touch of a button.
Streamline the way you do things - Input trade in details through your mobile device, take pictures, submit for approval. Convert to stock or attach the trade in to a deal and have the vehicle automatically move into stock ready for recon or the yard.
Progress bars assist moving stock through reconditioning in the most timely fashion with alerts when deadlines are missed. Purchase orders are generated assigning costs against your vehicles. Get the stock onto the yard with minimal down time.
Completing the deal is easy with all paper work generated at the touch of a button.